Is Your "Cash Bucket" Getting Empty?
In today's economy, money seems to be dwindling in many households today because of circumstances beyond their control. Those situation have led folks to getting very creative in adding extra income back into their financil bucket. We see everyday folks, who are at their wits end, doing things that they would never do otherwise, to obtain dollars to survive.
It's almost back in time, where survival instincts were a way of life. In many cases, these people were not thinking through their situation,seeking others help,but purely acting on their immediate emotions. Otherwords reacting first and thinking last.
This very action, that was just explained, can lead to your current buckets of money, becoming dried up very quickly.
Those who understand our human emotions, the need for the extra income, greed, not being able to pass up a good deal, leads us on this journey.
So,sometimes in just seconds, the average person who has little or no idea that their actions, had just been prayed upon like some wild animal hungry for dinner.
This happens more often than not today, because of all the media that is present for immediate release. Just some of those seeking to drain your bucket are mass mailings, spam email, subscribed email, social media, telephone solitors, TV., Radio, door to door folks, and last the Internet which is reaching staggering amounts of dollars changing hands.
I seriously believe,on the Internet,more dollars have been made, more millionaires have been born, than any other market place today. What I am leading to today,is that old saying "Protect what you gather wisely" otherwise you might fall victim of these adverse marketing strategies.
Next Post... will offer Help to wade through some of the media tactics.